UART Telemetry Output
Details on the UART telemetry output on the UHV ESC
The UART output is not isolated from the signal input connections. The output must be connected to a different device to the signal generator. Failure to do so will result in permanent damage to the unit.
Reading Datastream
The UART output of the ESC matches the logged data contents. The data stream will begin when the ESC receives a valid throttle signal (arming is not necessary). Datarate is 115200 Baud.
Version 2.0 Structure
The UART output packet structure is valid for firmware versions 2.0 and onwards. This firmware is compatible with version 2.0 onwards of the configuration tool.
Packet Structure
Index | Datapoint | Size |
0 | Voltage | 16bit Unsigned Int |
1 | Temperature | 16bit Unsigned Int |
2 | Bus Current | 16bit Int |
3 | Reserved | 16bit Unsigned Int |
4 | E-RPM | 32bit Unsigned Int |
5 | Input Duty | 16bit Unsigned Int |
6 | Motor Duty | 16bit Unsigned Int |
7 | Status Flags | 8bit Unsigned Int |
8 | Reserved | 8bit Unsigned Int |
9 | Checksum (Fletcher) | 16bit Unsigned Int |
10 | Stop Bytes | 16bit (Value is 65535) |
Status Flag Structure
Bit Position | Status Purpose |
Bit 0 | Motor Started, set when the motor is running as expected. |
Bit 1 | Motor Saturation Event, set when saturation is detected and power is reduced for desync protection. |
Bit 2 | ESC Over temperature event occurring, shut down method as per configuration. |
Bit 3 | ESC Overvoltage event occurring, shut down method as per configuration. |
Bit 4 | ESC Undervoltage event occurring, shut down method as per configuration. |
Bit 5 | Startup error detected, motor stall detected upon trying to start. |
Bit 6-7 | Unused, Reserved. |
Reading Examples
Implementation examples of reading the raw data stream, and calculating values from the raw data.
Version 1.0 Structure
The UART output packet structure is valid for firmware versions 1.0 and onwards. This firmware is compatible with version 1.0 onwards of the configuration tool.
Packet Structure
Index | Datapoint | Size |
0 | Voltage | 16bit Unsigned Int |
1 | Temperature | 16bit Unsigned Int |
2 | Bus Current | 16bit Int |
3 | Reserved 0 | 16bit Unsigned Int |
4 | E-RPM | 32bit Unsigned Int |
5 | Input Duty | 16bit Unsigned Int |
6 | Motor Duty | 16bit Unsigned Int |
7 | Reserved 1 | 16bit Unsigned Int |
8 | Checksum (Fletcher) | 16bit Unsigned Int |
9 | Stop Bytes | 16bit (Value is 65535) |
Reading Examples
Implementation examples of reading the raw data stream, and calculating values from the raw data.
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